Tag Archives: scam

A Spoof


You’ve all probably heard of Freecreditreport.com. Their name is genius, of course, because it’s so easy to remember. The real reason the service is so popular, though, is their commercials. They’re catchy and short– just what jingles should be. They’re also almost everywhere on cable. At my apartment at at home, I just watch over-the-air network stuff, so I hadn’t really heard of them, but whenever I go to my neighbors’ apartment, one of the commercials is guaranteed to come on the TV.

The service has generated a fair amount of controversy, however, since if you don’t opt-out of a trial program (which the user is required to take) within seven days, there’s a $14.95 monthly fee. Don’t ask Verizon, it isn’t free. There are various different forms of recourse being taken against the service, but the following one is my favorite.

Since Freecreditreport.com is kind of a “big fish,” “little fish” like ordinary people have a tough battle ahead of them if they’re to bring it down. Instead, some are getting back to their cynical roots, and attacking the company through culture-jamming. What’s most memorable about the company? Their jingles. How can people attack the company best? By messing with the jingles. Dan Louisell does just that:

 This post is going to be short tonight, since I have much to do, and more to sleep.

I’ve been listening to Kanye West’s 808’s And Heartbreaks, so he’s the theme of tonight’s music.

I auditioned two different songs using the same Kanye vocals, but this first track had a nicer pop sound to it.

There’s a lot going on in this second track, in terms of audio elements. It’s usually a disaster when a DJ leaves too much of the original track when they mash it with another, but this one pulls it off surprisingly well.

The weird little instrument that chimes in about a third of a way into this final track is weirdly grating, but the rest of this track is absolutely wonderful.